College Dropout Statistics By Age Group, Segments And Employment

Updated · Oct 22, 2024

- Introduction
- Editor’s Choice
- General College Dropout Statistics
- Dropping Out Statistics Of College Students By Reason
- College Dropout Rate Statistics By Highest And Lowest States Shares
- College Students Dropout Rate After A Few Years
- Top Occupations Statistics By People Who Dropout Of College
- College Dropout Statistics By Age Group
- College Completion Rates For Low-Income Students
- Income Statement Statistics By No Postsecondary Degree And A Bachelor’s Degree
- Average College Dropout Rate Statistics By Segments
- U.S. College Retention Statistics By Race
- College Dropout Rates For Students In Foster Care, 2024
- College Dropout Rates Statistics For Students With Disabilities
- College Dropout Rate By Institution, 2024
- College Dropout Employment Statistics
- College Dropout Statistics Among Parents
- Impact Of College Dropout On Individuals
- Conclusion
College Dropout Statistics: In recent educational systems, the college dropout rate is one of the major issues that has been observed globally. In America, about 43.3 million people are supposed to drop out of college, with a 3.6% increase from last year. There are many factors contributing, such as financial struggles, lack of support, and difficulty managing work, family, and studies. In 2024, dropping out can lead to lower earnings and fewer job opportunities.
Thus, educators, policymakers, and students need to understand these trends so they can work on removing these barriers and help more students finish their education. This article includes several current trends and statistical analyses taken from different insights, which will help you better understand the report.
Editor’s Choice
- College Dropout Statistics reports that by the end of 2024, the average college dropout rate in the U.S. will reach around 32.9%.
- Nearly 43.3 million college dropouts in the United States, a 3.6% increase from the previous year.
- The three main reasons college students drop out are family or personal issues (32%), money (24%), and wanting to work or pursue a career (11%).
- Meanwhile, male students are 7% more likely to drop out than female students, with a dropout rate of 34% compared to 27% for females.
- A report published by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (NSCRS) estimates that 16.9 million students will be in college in 2024, and only 41% will finish in four years, while 62.2% will graduate within six years.
- California has the most college dropouts, 15.27%, with 6.6 million people, and Vermont has the lowest share, 0.15%.
- College dropouts have a higher unemployment rate of 6.4% compared to 3.6% for graduates, affecting both men (4.8%) and women (5.9%).
- College Dropout Statistics further state that due to various socio-economic factors, around 45% of Hispanic and 47% of Black students face higher dropout rates.
- In 2024, most college dropouts (20.7%) will work in sales and office jobs or service jobs (18.5%).
- American Indian/Alaska Native college students have the highest dropout rate at 45.1%, while Asian students have the lowest college dropout rate at 10.9%.
General College Dropout Statistics
- As of 2024, almost 24% of students drop out after their first year of college globally.
- In contrast, the dropout rate for community college students is significantly higher, at 40%, compared to 20% at four-year universities.
- Meanwhile, the dropout rate for Part-time college students is 53.8%, while it is 39.5% for full-time students.
- Around 2.9 million, or 7.3% of college dropouts, have completed two years and could still finish their degree.
- Moreover, out of 36 OECD countries, the U.S. ranks 7th in completing graduation rates.
- College Dropout Statistics show that about 20.7% of single parents still need to finish college, compared to 11.4% in two-parent families.
- College dropouts earn 56.15% less than graduates, with USD 39,900 yearly, while graduates with a degree earn nearly USD 91,000.
- In the same year they re-enrolled, 53,300 college dropouts finished their first undergraduate credential, while 508,700 continued.
Dropping Out Statistics Of College Students By Reason
- Almost 32% of students stated that personal or family issues were the reason they left college in 2024.
- Additionally, 24% of students surveyed reported dropping out of college because of financial difficulties, followed by 11% (wanting to work or pursue a career).
- College Dropout Statistics in 2024 revealed that the other reasons for dropout are dissatisfaction with their school (10%), time commitment issues (5%), future schooling plans (5%), stress/ difficulty in learning (4%), academic failure (4%), Pandemic (3%), other (5%), and not sure (1%).
- In fiscal year 2024, California will have the highest college dropout rate, 15.27%, and Vermont will have the lowest share, 0.15%.
Furthermore, other American states dropout rates are detailed in the table below:
State | Highest dropout rate | State | Lowest dropout rate |
California | 15.27% | Vermont | 0.15% |
Texas | 6.03% | Delaware | 0.16% |
New York | 4.64% | South Dakota | 0.16% |
Illinois | 4.48% | North Dakota | 0.17% |
Florida | 3.83% | Wyoming | 0.23% |
Ohio | 3.23% | New Hampshire | 0.24% |
Michigan | 2.68% | Montana | 0.26% |
Washington | 2.68% | Alaska | 0.28% |
Pennsylvania | 2.59% | Rhode Island | 0.30% |
North Carolina | 2.56% | Maine | 0.32% |
College Students Dropout Rate After A Few Years
- In 2024, first-year college students will account for 23.3% of all students who drop out.
- About 12.6% of people in the U.S. started college but still need to finish or earn a degree.
- Private for-profit schools have the highest dropout rate among four-year institutions, with a rate of 38%.
- Meanwhile, the dropout rate for students aged from 16 to 24 years will make up around 5.3%.
- At four-year schools, around 19% of first-year students drop out in their first year, based on the reports of EDI, 2024.
- College Dropout Statistics stated that about 2-3% of students who still need to complete college re-enroll to finish their degree later.
- 30% of students think about leaving college because they face financial problems and can’t afford to continue.
- As of 2024, only 30% of at-risk students are ready for college costs, and 35% feel their families can afford it.
- The average tuition for private colleges is USD 56,190, while public colleges charge in-state students about USD 24,030.
Top Occupations Statistics By People Who Dropout Of College
Occupation groups | College Dropout Share | Female share | Male Share |
Sales and office | 20.7% | 21.1% | 19.7% |
Production, transportation, and material moving | 18.0% | 17.6% | 18.1% |
Educational, training, and library workers | 11.9% | 5.9% | 3.8% |
Services | 18.5% | 18.8% | 18.1% |
Natural resources, construction, and maintenance | 15.1% | 16.1% | 15.0% |
Management, business, and financial operations | 11.6% | 11.4% | 11.9% |
College Dropout Statistics By Age Group
- In 2024, the dropout rate for traditional college-aged students aged 18 to 19 will be around 5.11%, resulting in 2,210,000 dropout students.
- Meanwhile, students aged between 20 and 24 have a dropout rate of 17.71%, with 7,658,000 dropouts.
Other ages college students drop out shares, and the number of students in 2024 are stated below:
Ages (years) | College dropouts share | Number of dropouts |
25 to 29 | 8.99% | 3,891,000 |
30 to 34 | 7.95% | 3,438,000 |
35 to 39 | 7.13% | 3,083,000 |
40 to 49 | 12.40% | 5,362,000 |
50 to 59 | 13.29% | 5,750,000 |
60 to 64 | 7.39% | 3,197,000 |
65 & above | 20.19% | 8,734,000 |
By Race
- College Dropout Statistics in 2024 represents that Asian students make up 2.6% of all college dropouts.
- Asian students from 16 to 24 years have the lowest dropout rate at only 1.9%, compared to other ethnic groups.
Furthermore, other dropout student’s shares by ethnicity or race in 2024 are detailed below:
Race | Dropout Shares |
White |
Hispanic |
American Indians |
Black |
By Gender
- A report published by the National Student Clearing House Research Center in 2024 showed that 46.5% of men and 44.5% of women started college but did not finish.
- Around 66.2% of women will graduate from public universities, while 60.2% of men will.
- In private nonprofit colleges, 71.9% of women graduate compared to 64.6% of men.
- Similarly, in private for-profit colleges, almost 34.5% and 32.8% of men and women graduated.
- College Dropout Statistics in 2024: out of college dropouts who go back to school, 40.4% are men, and 56.6% are women.
College Completion Rates For Low-Income Students
- The college completion rate for low-income students is 14.6% within six years of enrollment, which is far below the national average of 62%.
- In 2024, only 11.5% of students from families with incomes in the bottom 20% will complete their degree within six years.
- Low-income students attending four-year institutions have a higher completion rate of 21.8%, compared to only 7.9% at community colleges.
- Financial support and institutional aid programs have been shown to improve completion rates by up to 18% in some colleges that target low-income students.
Income Statement Statistics By No Postsecondary Degree And A Bachelor’s Degree
- A recent study shows that 52.4% of students from families with an income of USD 35,000 or less still need to finish college.
- On the other hand, 11.1% got an associate degree, and 22.9% earned a bachelor’s degree.
The table below shows the income brackets by shares of student’s degrees in 2024:
Income Bracket (USD) | No Postsecondary Share | Bachelor’s Degree Share |
35,000 or less | 52.4% | 22.9% |
35,001 to 55,000 | 41.8% | 30.4% |
55,001 to 75,000 | 37.3% | 38.2% |
75,001 to 115,000 | 31.4% | 41.3% |
115,001 and higher | 23.9% | 54.5% |
Average College Dropout Rate Statistics By Segments
- In 2024, approximately 32.9% of students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs still needed to complete their studies.
- In the first quarter of 2024, the computer science major had the highest dropout rate, accounting for 10.7%, followed by the advertising segment, which had a dropout rate of 7.7%.
- In addition, another segment shared by dropout rates is agriculture (7.4%), art (7.3%), and architecture (7.2%).
U.S. College Retention Statistics By Race
- In 2024, around 72% of Asian students complete their degree programs, significantly higher than the national average.
- White students have a 67% graduation rate, while 21% fail to complete their studies.
- Around 55% of Hispanic students graduate, 44% attend the same college, 8% drop out after transferring, and 27% drop out.
- College Dropout Statistics elaborates that for black students, 46% graduate, and 35% drop out without completing their studies.
- Among American Indians, 36% drop out of college, and only 23% graduate within four years as full-time students.
College Dropout Rates For Students In Foster Care, 2024
- As of 2024, the national dropout rate for foster care students in the U.S. will be around 33% higher than that of the general student population, which is around 6%.
- Meanwhile, only 50% of foster care students complete high school by age 18, compared to over 85% of non-foster care students.
- Less than 3% of foster care students complete a college degree by age 25, compared to about 28% of the general population.
- College Dropout statistics further show that Female foster care students have a slightly lower dropout rate, at 31%, compared to males, who have a rate of 35%.
College Dropout Rates Statistics For Students With Disabilities
- Approximately 41% of students with disabilities in higher education drop out before completing their degrees, and more than 27% without disabilities.
- Based on the types of disabilities, students with learning disabilities have a dropout rate of 46%.
- Similarly, students with anxiety and depression reported a dropout rate of 51%, followed by physical impairments with a lower dropout rate of 37%.
- According to College Dropout Statistics, Institutions that provide comprehensive support services, such as counseling and assistive technology tutoring, see a 17% improvement in retention rates for students with disabilities.
- In 2024, among low-income students with disabilities, the dropout rate reaches 52%.
- College Dropout Statistics also mentioned that the dropout rate of male and female disabled students will reach up to 44% and 39%, respectively.
College Dropout Rate By Institution, 2024
- In 2024, community colleges experienced the highest dropout rates, 58.3%, due to various factors, including financial challenges and part-time enrollment.
- In the same duration, the average college dropout rate for private nonprofit institutions stands at 30.5%.
- At two-year private nonprofit colleges, part-time students drop out much more often, with a rate of 62.6%.
- Moreover, full-time students, however, have a lower dropout rate of 29.6%.
- The average college dropout rate at private for-profit institutions is 30.9%.
- Similarly, part-time students drop out of two-year private for-profit schools, resulting in a 40.34% dropout rate.
College Dropout Employment Statistics
- As of 2024, almost 67% of college dropouts are employed and 84% of college graduates.
- In the same year, the unemployment rate for college dropouts stands at 6.5%, significantly higher than the 3.8% unemployment rate for those with a bachelor’s degree.
- College Dropout Statistics state that college dropouts earn about USD 32,000 each year, while college graduates (USD 55,000) annually.
- Based on industries in 2024, around 18% of college dropouts work in the retail sector, followed by construction (12%) and manufacturing (14%).
- By the end of 2030, employment opportunities for college dropouts are projected to grow in sectors like healthcare support, with an estimated increase of 8%.
College Dropout Statistics Among Parents
- As of 2024, globally, single parents have the highest dropout rate at 61%.
- Similarly, student parents with children under five experience an even higher dropout rate of 65%.
- Undergraduate Student Parents are more likely to drop out (57%).
- Low-Income Student Parents are at the greatest risk, with a 70% dropout rate.
Other categories of dropout rates among other parents in 2024 are stated below:
Category | Dropout Rate |
Student Parents | 53% |
Married Student Parents | 45% |
Graduate Student Parents | 41% |
Women Student Parents | 55% |
Men Student Parents | 48% |
Impact Of College Dropout On Individuals
- Median Annual Income: College graduates earn, on average, USD 65,000 annually, while dropouts earn approximately USD 38,000, reflecting a 42% difference in annual earnings.
- Over a lifetime, a college dropout may earn USD 1 million less than someone with a bachelor’s degree.
- The unemployment rate for college dropouts is 6.5% in 2024, compared to 3.2% for those with a college degree.
- About 34% of college dropouts carry student loan debt without having earned a degree, and the average debt for dropouts will be USD 14,000 in 2024.
- College graduates report 21% higher job satisfaction compared to dropouts.
- Meanwhile, dropouts are 15% more likely to experience long-term health issues.
- Mental health challenges are prevalent, with college dropouts being 40% more likely to report depression and anxiety compared to graduates.
- College Dropout Statistics show that by age 50, the average retirement savings for college graduates is USD 220,000, while for dropouts, it is only USD 110,000, reflecting a 50% gap in long-term financial security.
- College dropouts are 60% less likely to move into higher-income brackets over time.
This article on College Dropout Statistics shows that dropping out of college has a big effect on people and society. Those who leave college often have higher unemployment, lower income, and fewer chances for better jobs compared to graduates. For society, more dropouts can increase the need for social services, reduce economic growth, and lead to a less educated workforce.
To solve these problems, financial help, academic support, and mental health services are important to help students finish their education. Improving graduation rates can make society stronger and more successful.
Students from low-income families, foster care, first-generation college students, and those with poor academic support are most at risk.
Most students drop out due to financial problems, academic challenges, lack of support, and personal or family issues.
The most famous college dropout is Bill Gates, who co-founded Microsoft after leaving Harvard University.

Saisuman is a professional content writer specializing in health, law, and space-related articles. Her experience includes designing featured articles for websites and newsletters, as well as conducting detailed research for medical professionals and researchers. Passionate about languages since childhood, Saisuman can read, write, and speak in five different languages. Her love for languages and reading inspired her to pursue a career in writing. Saisuman holds a Master's in Business Administration with a focus on Human Resources and has worked in a Human Resources firm for a year. She was previously associated with a French international company. In addition to writing, Saisuman enjoys traveling and singing classical songs in her leisure time.